
Catechetical Sunday 2023 (A)

"It doesn't matter, I'm calling you!"

It doesn’t matter

... My current or past situation
... my age or culture
... My motivations
... My questioning and doubts
... that my relationship with the Church is scattered or even problematic
... the moment I draw near to God...
... Whether I want to live a single catechesis or a whole journey
... whether I am a catechist or catechized

God speaks these word to me :
"It doesn't matter, I'm calling you!"

We will have understood that by using quotation marks, we give the word to God. Like that, God calls and welcomes every person who approaches and desires to respond to a moment of spiritual growth. Inspired by the Gospel of Sunday, September 24, 2023 (Mt 20:1-16a), this theme is also part of the posture of listening that the synodal process wants to establish.

You can draw inspiration from the various proposals and avenues of animation suggested below to make your community aware of the importance of spiritual growth at all ages of life, on the occasion of Catechetical Sunday or at any other time.

Catechetical Sunday

Suggested Date: September 24, 2023

Depending on the context...

To highlight catechesis for all ages of life, Support for Catechists proposes to consider both catechists and people wishing to live a catechesis or catechetical journey.

Animation sheets


Poster to print

The poster is available to you in two print sizes

Visual How does this theme appeal to me?


The bookmark contains the text of the meditation. It could be given at the end of a liturgy, a parish meeting, a diocesan renewal, etc.

Suggestions around the theme
No matter, I'm calling you!

  • Animation tracks to exchange from the theme

Here are some ideas for reflection and exchanges based on the theme of Catechetical Sunday at various times of the pastoral year, for different groups in the parish, for example:

  • In pastoral team.
  • In synodal team or any other team of people involved in the community (liturgy team, churchwardens, etc.);
  • In intergenerational groups, catechetical or not.
  • A group of people in a seniors' residence who are offered an opportunity to exchange.
  • A group of adolescents already existing or gathered on an ad hoc basis;
  • A self-help group existing in the community, to which a rejuvenation could be offered.

Suggested questions to kick off the exchange:

How do you react to this theme?
How does this theme resonate with your commitment?

  • Other ways to make the theme visible in the community:
  • Record a podcast or video capsule featuring some testimonials from people already engaged. This recording could be presented to groups meeting for the first time, at a catechetical or other activity.
  • Place the poster prominently, where the various meetings are held (for baptism, catechesis, etc.), or in the various reception areas, whether in the presbytery or in the place of worship.
  • Project the image of the poster on the screen during virtual meetings.
  • Add the theme after the signature in sending emails.

It doesn’t matter, I’m calling you

"It doesn't matter, I'm calling you," says the Lord.
It doesn't matter whether you're a catechist or catechized,
even at the last minute,
you are still being called.

Lord, what bothers me is that you seem to believe in me!
Your justice is not human justice, because you call me!

"My friend, I'm calling you no matter what your questions,
your doubts, your worldliness.
My love sees what brings you to fullness of life.
I come to set you free."


Office de catéchèse du Québec

Organisme mandaté par l’Assemblée des évêques catholiques du Québec, l’Office de catéchèse du Québec est une référence et offre des ressources en formation à la vie chrétienne.

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180, Place Juge-Desnoyers, Bureau 1020
Laval (Québec) Canada H7G 1A4
Téléphone 514-735-5751


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